Corporate Relations
One of the primary missions of Michigan Interactive Investments is to prepare our members for careers in the financial industry. Our members are some of the most committed, intelligent, and unique students at the University of Michigan.
Benefits of corporate relations with MII include access to our select members, an increased presence on campus, and assistance with any on-campus recruiting needs. We offer a number of ways for companies to connect with MII students, including hosting a recruiting presentation/functional workshop, holding a guest lecture, sending a recruiting message to the club, or fostering a deeper relationship via sponsorship or participating in the Undergraduate Investment Conference. For more information, please feel free to reach out to us.
Existing Corporate Partnerships
Corporate Partnership Opportunities
MII regularly partners with companies to host recruiting events (both exclusive events for our members-only and events for the broader Michigan community). In addition to typical corporate presentations, we also hold guest lecturer events, which have been highly effective as recruiting tools.
MII seeks to create deeper relationships via corporate sponsorships. Corporate sponsors will get exclusive access to MII members, through private events, resume books, coffee chats, and more. For more information, please reach out to us.
MII is happy to forward relevant recruiting messages to our members at our discretion. If your firm is interested in recruiting MII members for current and future roles, please contact us below.
MII students host and plan the Engage Undergraduate Investment Conference, the nation’s largest undergraduate investing conference in the country every Fall at UM’s Ross School of Business, bringing together students from around the world with legendary investors, alumni, and recruiters. To learn more about getting involved in this event, please visit the conference website or get in touch with us.